Thursday 19 March 2020

A movie deadlier than the virus...The Amazing Double Indemnity.

We all think TV and Netflix, but few of us ever remember to go to free YouTube and there's lots of movies there, that you don't get anywhere else! Lots and free. 

Notably classic movies and film noir. So go on a search of discovery on YouTube and you'll hopefully find this one because it's one of the greatest and considered the first film noir. 

Double Indemnity is the clause in some insurance policies that doubles the payout in unusual deaths - like falling off a train....

It's 1944 directed and written by the great Billy Wilder of course (The Apartment, Sunset Boulevard, Some like it hot, etc) and the great film noir writer Raymond Chandler (Philip Marlowe books) a recovering alcoholic at the time. Although they didn't get along on this film, Chandler has a cameo in the film looking up from a magazine as Neff walks past. 

(If you want to see another Billy Wilder superb film noir classic, go to 'Witness for The Prosecution' on YouTube - Marlene Dietrich/Tyrone Power. It's fab too.)

Edward G is Walter Neff the insurance chief but gets little screen time. Fred Mac Murray is the insurance salesman and Barbara Stanwyck (one of the most popular Hollywood actresses IN Hollywood) is the femme fatale.

There's lots of dark techniques like the Seitz 'venetian blind' lighting and you'll see it in the trailer above.

But go looking on YouTube because sometimes, an Insurance salesman can be more dangerous than a virus....but DO NOT miss it. 

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