A lot of Social Media is generally text based - from Twitter Tweets to Facebook Posts. And a lot is picture driven - like the ubiquitous Facebook wall and the wonderful Pinterest Pins. Of course, some of it is video sharing largely in the guise of YouTube.
Little of it is audio led.
Until now.
Shoutomatic.com allows you to update Social Media using voice. So your Tweet, becomes a spoken Tweet. You blog becomes an audio blog. Your Websites tells you stuff, rather than show you.
It's far more interesting to hear people than read them. Especially if they're people you haven't heard in a while.
And it's new - which is why I could only find The Fox News video above to explain it. There's not a lot about.
Having a real voice is more engaging, in that by hearing a message, you get the inflection as well as accent. Ideal for a brand who has a spokesperson for example, like Tesco have with my old pal, Marty Whelan. Nice to get Marty to say it on Twitter, than just to tweet it.
And what's interesting too, is the opportunity to deliver celebrities to do your shouts for you. Ideal as well for voice-overs looking for work whom brands might prefer to use to get more professional sounding shouts.
So you are literally "shouting out" your message and the fact that's it's novel now, is great opportunity for a brand to be first out. Target McConnells for Tesco with Marty?
Of course one of the first I heard anyway was musician Dave Stewart who is always an early adopter. So not only was I able to see what he was interested in on Twitter but also to hear him, which was a different experience + a better one.
Of course you can shout to your Facebook wall which again brings possibly long lost friends voices back to life to say, wish you a Happy Birthday. Here's that link for you
So it's a great extension of Social. Although mind you ShoutOmatic could do a bit more on their www which apart from the content, lacks total coolness. And they've made it all terribly difficult to register and manage.
Still, it's early days and they seem to know what they're doing.
We wish them well cause it's great!
It's a new driver again for Social Media which fits with live streaming meetings such as on Google+. It's all becoming more real, more live.
Yeah you're right too.
I should have shouted this.