Friday 14 February 2014

Happy Valentine's Day from 'Dumb ways to Die'

Nearly 73 Million views of the very excellent 'dumb ways to die' rail safety campaign. Superb.

So here's their Valentine's message about well, eat your heart out. Bizarre romance but another extension of a great digital video campaign.

Oh the original?

Here you go....

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Digital Online Video. Effective? Just look at this....

Well, well, online video just gets better and better.

This excellent work by Camp4Collective is Alex Honnold in a free solo climb in Mexico. Importantly, it's ultimately a trailer for the full version to appear on The North Face YouTube channel. So talk about making high quality, engaging digital video!

350,000 views in 5 days also gives you a good sense of how really interesting online video is working. If it's good, it's shared and it's blogged like this.

And it's commercial, presumably North Face are paying for this.

Really strong online video is really strong advertising and really useful in building a brand. The association of this video by North Face, is brand engagement of the best kind. You couldn't create a TV Commercial that does as much.

The web of course, has allowed people like Camp4Collective and indeed, Streamabout, do quality work without being at the behest of big TV corporations. We've moved a long way too from online video being about the cat falling off the ladder....

Good stuff.