Wednesday 26 November 2014

The most shocking reliable data I've seen on the switch away from TV to online. Terrifying reading for TV Stations.

I got this BusinessInsider/Comscore story about BuzzFeed today from a friend, by email. When I opened it, I fell off my chair.

Which is why he sent it.

The most stunning thing I've read yet, that just symbolises the online revolution that has and is, taking place. It's proof positive now, of the takeover and the switchover from TV to online.

Just look at the monthly reach of BuzzFeed in this graph for 18-34's.

Shocking stuff for TV Stations....

BuzzFeed now reaches 50% of US millennials (18-34's) a month according to Comscore/BusinessInsider and this is terrifying reading for TV. 

BuzzFeeds monthly reach outstrips CBS, Fox and NBC.

In fact it's winning in all ages and spelling the end of TV in terms of audience decline, audience attention but notably in terms of advertising money. And be assured, exactly this same model is being replicated in every country including Ireland. The same thing is happening everywhere. 

Put simply, advertising money chases audience and as BuzzFeed climbs it will take those big brand lucrative TV dollars with it. Whilst the TV stations will go into financial decline through that same lost advertising. They simply cannot hold their audiences no longer.

Look too above, at the BuzzFeed video views and Subscriber growth!!! Pretty impressive!!!

50% of the views are from mobile. And those video views are peaking for BuzzFeed in the evening. That's right, smack dab in the middle of prime time TV. The expensive advertising bit.

And that signals a strong probability that the younger 18-34's are having a look at BuzzFeed....during the evening ad breaks! Not what an advertiser wants to hear.

And as The BusinessInsider story says, advertisers want to reach consumers with messages that have sight, sound and motion. Those advantages don't just apply to TV anymore.

I've never seen reliable data like this, that clearly shows the media pulling power of digital and all of this happening in the lucrative TV space - once regarded as the bastion of all things advertising. 

And then we've only spoken here about the impact BuzzFeed has had - nevermind the others!

This ladies and gentlemen, is the end..... Or the start...... It depends on where you're sitting. 

But one thing it sure is, the world has just changed. Totally.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Different, interesting use of video on that you won't have seen before.

Great use of video on Suzuki Ireland website.

Sorry too, that you'll have to cut and paste this link but I think you'll be interested to do it. Here it is;

What it does is allows a Presenter to pop up automatically every time you visit and explain what's on the site.

Equally, that presenter could be on every page of the website perhaps explaining each page's content.

It is of course, specially recorded video on a greensceen by streamabout and then applied. In fact it's a great use of video online!

Monday 24 November 2014

Mobile overtakes TV in The USA for the first time.

There's always a reason why people pay to produce Reports. Normally, to further their business and rarely do you see companies producing reports that show they got it wrong!

However, whilst they should be taken with a pinch of salt, they are helpful in identifying trends and probably re-enforce what we thought anyway. And thank you to John Fleming, him a 'Tripp Crystal' App developer, for pointing it out to me.

So this one by 'Flurry' shows that mobile has bumped US TV Screens for the first time. Nearly 3 hours a day usage versus 2.48 hours and remaining static.

So the growth in mobile marches on and particularly because of functionality. You can do more on your mobile (email, apps, calendar, etc) than you can do on your TV and it has the key advantage of being in your pocket all the time.

Equally to, the development of the mobile into basically a 'pocket pc', means it can do more and more. Like watching TV or online video. It also shows, as Flurry would like you to see, that Apps have greater and greater potential.

Seems to me anyway, to make perfect sense.
Mobile is and will continue to march on.

Advertisers be aware.