Friday 6 February 2015

2015 Superbowl Ad Winner. Have a look!

Here you go, the winner of all the 2015 Superbowl Ads as registered on Social Media. Not just that, this link alone has over 25 million views on online it'll have been huge.

Did it deserve it?

Ah yeah.

Tell a story and tell it well.

Not macho enough you think? But it's the side of blokes that makes us attractive to women and a haunting version of 'And I would walk 500 miles' shows that there's nothing you wouldn't do for your girl. Because you're a tough man.

And this will appeal to women because it's sentimental and the actor is a hunk.

That was the thinking.

Yeah it works.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Twitter Video Ads coming with a clever Preview Idea. And If you need a video ad....

By all reports, Twitter are considering video previews for their new Video Ads.

What it means is that when a video ad pops up in your feed, you'll get an automatic play (auto play) of 6 seconds like a trailer. Then, if that interests you, you click it, to play the video in full.

And advertisers will only be charged when the Ad is clicked so they'll benefit from the 6 second trailer, for free.

Facebook video ads are fully autoplay, whereas YouTube's are click-to-play and so Twitter is really doing the best of both. It's a really good, clever idea too.

It also means that advertisers will only be paying for those who really, really want to see the video because they'll have been interested by the preview trailer. 

It's a great way for Twitter to get into that growing, exploding digital video ad space. And if you need online video's what Streamabout do!

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Superbowl shatters viewing record. The most watched TV Event in US history.

9 times in the last 10 years it's happened and it just happened again. The Superbowl last Sunday, shattered the viewing record.

Nielsen ratings show it to be the most watched TV Broadcast in US history with 114.4 million viewers live average. It peaked at over 120 million.

So the slow NBC Ad spot sales because of the 4.5 million price tag on a 30 second spot (up 500,000 dollars on the previous year) seems more justified as they did deliver the audience.

As it reached the end 4th quarter, 74% of US Televisions were tuned in. That was when the now infamous passing call inside the one yard line by Seattle, was intercepted, giving the Patriots the win.

What's not clear is whether Nielsen mean 'Televisions' or all broadcast devices (Ipads, Laptops, Mobiles etc) but that can only increase the viewing. 

Great game, good result and perhaps not won by Tom Brady but lost by Russell Wilson....

Because NFL is very USA led, viewership for The World Cup Final (350m+), Champions League, Olympic Games, all generate higher audiences simply because they've global appeal.