Tuesday 4 June 2013

Google bans porn on their glasses. Who'd have thought....

Google Glasses move onwards and upwards prompting this great sketch on Saturday Night Live. Actually, what it shows is the potential limitations of Goggle Glasses and how tricky they might be.

It comes too after Google announced that it was banning porn from the glasses (actually, something I'd never thought of) through banning Apps. So they can control it to a degree but one wonders how they'll limit porn search? With some difficulty I would think.

An App was launched recently which allowed Glass wearers to watch explicit video and pictures and getting 10,000 visitors a day (!). Interesting concept....and it's still up + running.

So when somebody winks at you with Google Glasses, perhaps it's not at you.
Yet again, the porn industry is the first over the line for new technology.

Whilst Apple's Tim Cook says that glasses are not the way forward but that wearable technology was more on the wrist, one wonders if their watch will have wrist action?

And there's no doubt, porn or not, we will all have Google Glasses soon. Trust me.

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