Thursday 10 January 2013

Massive increase in online video in 2012. Gangnam style gets 2.6 Billion views but online Ads are being watched 150 times....a second!

Online Video Ads were watched in 2012, at a rate of 150 per second according to AdAge. We knew video was growing but just not this fast.

Indeed AdAge's own viral charts, now need your video to be viewed 1.5 million times to be listed - 4 years ago, 220,000 would have done. Kony, the biggest "campaign" of the year (Gangnam style was the most watched), achieved 41 million one day! In fact it reached over 100 million views in 6 days. Massive.

Samsung too, was the brand that used video best getting 71.8 million views for its Galaxy 3S alone which when compared with Apple - their 13 campaigns achieved 57 million views combined. As  blogged yesterday, Samsung is really driving on.

The Gangnam Style video actually delivered 2.6 Billion views (yes I said Billion), shattering all records as the highest watched video ever. It's still doing about 13 million views a day so this number will just blow everything else away. I watched it, I don't get it, sorry.

(I note the "how to dance gangnam style" video above has over 10 million views alone!)

According to AdAge, the top 10 Apps, generated 550,000 million video views.....which means if you're doing an App, include Video because that's what people want.

Finally, Video ads were watched 4.6 billion times in 2012 - about 13 million times a day, or, 150 times a second. That's up on 2011 of 2.7 billion times - nearly doubled. So people are watching video and they are watching video Ads in huge numbers.

But it does show the pressure on Television broadcasting because numbers like these are simple unattainable traditionally and in nearly all cases, are free except for the cost of Production. 

There is no Media cost.

Which surprises me that the "bible" of advertising AdAge, would run the story in the first place. Honesty perhaps, but from a fraternity that really have been ignoring digital - Ad Agencies. Maybe things are changing?

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